Eyes, tongue can be quite revealing
By Nancy Whelan
Friday, December 28, 2007
Question: At a recent tea sponsored by the Indian River County Main Library in Vero Beach, two local physicians were on hand to elaborate on their specialty — alternative medicine. The doctors have started holding monthly meetings at the library which are open to the general public. I had the pleasure of meeting one of them, we chatted and this week's column reflects that amazing meeting.
Dr. Yusuf Mihaylov, acupuncture physician, doctor of oriental medicine and a licensed massage therapist, stated in his presentation that he could look into an individual's eyes and make a diagnosis, if the person was having health issues.
He then showed a chart of the human eye that made reference to different medical conditions and how they could be revealed in different parts of the eye.
Being a Registered Nurse for many years and having been trained in the medical model, I was somewhat skeptical of his claims. It sounded very hit or miss to me, and I wondered about the accuracy of such diagnoses.
After all of the other speakers at the tea had presented their information, social time began and I made an immediate path right to this doctor. What could he tell me about me from looking into my eyes? It was all very curious. A very knowledgeable and well-spoken Mihaylov, who is originally from Russia, was quite easy to talk to. "Okay, what do you see in my eyes?" I asked him.
He continued talking about a variety of things while holding his gaze on my eyes. What would he see?
"I am not seeing much of anything," he said, attempting a diagnosis of my current health status.
He was correct. I wasn't having any health issues at this time.
Then he asked, "Would you mind showing me your tongue?"
My tongue? Why would he want to see my tongue? He is supposed to be looking into my eyes? I thought his request was very peculiar.
So I showed him my tongue and only seconds after viewing it, he asked me if I was fatigued.
"Isn't everyone in this busy world tired?" I asked him.
"Do I look tired?" I questioned. But, I knew I couldn't look tired to him, because if I did look tired, when he assessed my eyes he did not ask me if I was tired. So he only saw fatigue from viewing my tongue! Okay this was getting really strange.
He told me that he not only saw fatigue on my swollen tongue, but he saw sheer exhaustion.
And, do you know that Mihaylov was absolutely right? I have been going through a lot of mental aggravation and stress lately to the point that it had overwhelmed and exhausted me.
This entire incident was most fascinating to me and I had not expected this outcome.
Mihaylov says he can actually make diagnoses a few ways or by a combination of these ways by observing the tongue, pulse points on the body and the ear.
In Chinese medicine, in which alternative medicine is largely based, disease can be explained by an imbalance of yin and yang and heat and cold in the body. And, ongoing imbalances will have an impact on the color and shape of the tongue body and the color and thickness of the coating of the tongue. The tongue has locations on it that correspond to different body organs and body systems that allows tongue diagnosis.
Mihaylov offers a variety of alternative medicine treatments at his practice including (1) acupuncture that targets a myriad of health problems such as aches, pains, headaches, gastrointestinal problems, male or female reproductive issues, etc.; cessation of addictions that includes smoking, alcohol and food addictions; and emotional problems like stress, (2) Herbal medicine, (3) Massage therapy, starting at $50 for a half hour session, (4) Homeopathic remedies including injections for pain management, (5) Mesotherapy including injections for fat, cellulite, flabby skin and to decrease wrinkles on the face and neck. This particular therapy can also boost the body's immune system. And, (6) Dietary lifestyle assistance is available at the Clinic.
"Ask the Docs' is a new series held at the Indian River County Main Library. Dr. Alex Snodgrass, Acupuncture Physician and Dr. Joy Peterson, author, dietician and nutrition consultant are the other doctors speaking at the library.
Seating is limited and anyone interested in attending can call the Indian River County Main Library at (772) 770-5060. Mihaylov eventually wants to start holding similar sessions at the North County Library in Sebastian.
You can contact the Integrated Medical Clinic at (772) 538-2068 or contact yusufmihaylov@gmail.com.
Nancy Whelan is a correspondent for the Sebastian Sun. Feel free to contact her at nancywhelan@msn.com with any questions you would like answers to, or just to see a particular topic covered in this column. Share with her what's on your mind.